Windows Logon Application (winlogon.exe) is a process that runs on your PC when you log on to Windows. It helps the Windows operating system identify you and your account information. ..

The winlogon.exe process is a critical part of the Windows operating system. This process is always running in the background on Windows, and it’s responsible for some important system functions.

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This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like svchost.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, mDNSResponder.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

What Is Windows Logon Application?

The winlogon.exe process is a very important part of the Windows operating system, and Windows will be unusable without it.

This process performs a variety of critical tasks related to the Windows sign-in process. For example, when you sign in, the winlogon.exe process is responsible for loading your user profile into the registry. This allows programs to use the keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER, which are different for each Windows user account.

Winlogon.exe has special hooks into the system and watches to see if you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. This is known as the “secure attention sequence”, and it’s why some PCs may be configured to require you to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete before you sign in. This combination of keyboard shortcuts is always caught by winlogon.exe, which ensures you’re signing in on a secure desktop where other programs can’t monitor the password you’re typing or impersonate a sign-in dialog.

The Windows Logon Application also monitors you keyboard and mouse activity and is responsible for locking your PC and starting screen savers after a period of inactivity.

In summary, Winlogon is a critical part of the login process and needs to remain running in the background. Microsoft also provides a more detailed, technical list of Winlogon’s responsibilities, if you’re interested.

Can I Disable It?

You can’t disable this process. It’s a crucial part of Windows and must be running at all times. There’s no reason to disable it, anyway, as it just uses a tiny amount of resources in the background to perform critical system functions.

If you try to end the process from the Task Manager, you’ll see a message saying that ending the process “will cause Windows to become unusable or shut down”. If you bypass this message, your screen will go black and your PC won’t even respond to Ctrl+Alt+Delete. The winlogon.exe process is responsible for handling Ctrl+Alt+Delete, so there’s no recovering your session once you’ve stopped it. You’ll need to restart your PC to continue.

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Windows will always launch this process when you start your PC. If Windows can’t launch winlogon.exe, csrss.exe, or other critical user system processes, your PC will blue screen with error code 0xC000021A.

Could It Be a Virus?

It’s normal for the winlogon.exe process to always be running on your system. The real winlogon.exe file is located in the C:\Windows\System32 directory on your system. To verify the real Windows Logon Application is running, right-click it in Task Manager and select “Open file location”.

The file manager should open to the C:\Windows\System32 directory containing the winlogon.exe file.

If someone told you that the winlogon.exe file located in C:\Windows\System32 is malicious, that’s a hoax. This is a legitimate file and removing it will damage your Windows installation.

Tech support scammers have pointed to winlogon.exe and other critical system processes and said “If you see this running on your PC, you have malware”. Every PC has the Windows Logon Application running and that’s just normal. Don’t fall for their scams!

On the other hand, if you see the winlogon.exe file located in any other directory, you have a problem. A virus or other type of malware may be camouflaging itself as this process in an attempt to hide in the background. High CPU or memory use from winlogon.exe is another warning sign, as this process shouldn’t use much CPU or memory in normal situations.

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If you see the winlogon.exe file in another directory or if you’re just concerned malware may be running on your PC, you should run a full system scan with your preferred antivirus software. Your security software will remove any malware it finds.