The show is set in the world of the Predator, and it stars John Goodman as a mercenary who teams up with a team of scientists to stop the Predators from taking over the world. Prey is set to air on Hulu starting September 14th. It’s an interesting show, and I’m curious to see how it turns out.

The new Predator film is set in the world of the Comanche Nation in 1719, which is enough to grab our attention. We had trouble dealing with Predators and their futuristic weaponry when we had guns and rocket launchers (and Arnold Schwarzenegger). How will people deal with them with the array of weapons available more than 300 years ago?

— 20th Century Studios (@20thcentury) November 12, 2021

The image above does a fantastic job of setting the tone for the film. We see Naru, a Comanche warrior, being stalked by Predator in the mist. It’s creepy, eerie, and puts the disadvantage Naru and her people will be forced to deal with as Predator (or multiple Predators) invade their world into focus.

As far as the cast and crew, 10 Cloverfield Lane’s Dan Trachtenberg will direct Prey. He also directed pilots for The Boys and The Lost Symbol. It’s also set to star Amberg Midthunder.

Prey is skipping theaters and coming exclusively to Hulu. Skipping theaters used to be a kiss of death for a film, but that’s far from the case anymore. Of course, after the awful movie that was 2018’s The Predator, we’ll need to keep our expectations in check for this one.