Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a new game for the Nintendo Switch that was released in September of this year. The game is a simulation of life on an alien planet, and it’s one of the most popular games on the Switch. One of the ways you can enjoy Animal Crossing: New Horizons is by swimming and diving. Swimming is easy to do, and you can do it anywhere there are water features. Diving is also easy to do, and you can do it in any part of the planet. Both swimming and diving are great ways to spend your time in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you want to learn more about how to swim or dive, be sure to check out our article on how to swim in ‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’.
Update Your Game
Before you launch Animal Crossing: New Horizons on your Nintendo Switch, be sure you are connected to the internet to download the latest software update, Version 1.3.0. Without updating, you will not be able to access the new summer update content.
RELATED: How to Update Nintendo Switch Games
So as long as you’re connected to the internet before launching the game for the first time, the application launcher will automatically notify you that a new software update is available.
If you missed the automatic update notification, navigate to the Animal Crossing: New Horizons icon on your Nintendo Switch home screen and then open the “Options” menu by pressing the “+” button on your right Joy-Con controller.
You’ll see “Ver. 1.3.0” or higher in the top-left corner under the game name if you’re updated to the latest version. If not, select the “Software Update” tab and then choose the “Via The Internet” option to download the latest update to your Nintendo Switch.
Press the physical “A” button on your controller to submit any changes.
Where to Unlock Swimming and Diving
After you’ve updated the game, launch Animal Crossing: New Horizons and leave your house. Check your mailbox to receive a special letter from Nintendo that contains a Snorkel. The Nook Shop has also sent you a letter to notify you of new “Novelty” stock items—like the Wetsuit! A Striped Wetsuit can also be purchased from Timmy and Tommy for 3,000 Bells.
In order to begin your deep-diving adventure, you must first purchase a Wetsuit from Nook’s Cranny or the Nook Shopping kiosk. You can also purchase items on the Nook Shopping app.
If you prefer to purchase a different option, the Nook Inc. Snorkel can be redeemed for 500 Nook Miles Tickets, and the Nook Inc. Wetsuit can be redeemed for 800 Nook Miles Tickets. If you place an order for the Nook Inc. Novelty items, they will be mailed to you the very next day you sign-in to the game.
Timmy will give you a small tutorial on how to use your new Wetsuit—to swim around, rapidly press “A” on your joy-con controller, and if you see a shadow or bubbles in the water, press “Y” to dive and bring the item back up to the surface.
Swimming in Animal Crossing
After equipping the Snorkel and the Wetsuit, head to the beach and approach the water. Press “A” on your joy-con controller and your character will begin wading their way into the water.
To swim more rapidly, hold down your D-Pad controller (the left joy-con) and rapidly press “A” on the right joy-con. Simply holding down the “A” button won’t move your character.
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Diving in Animal Crossing
While swimming, you can dive underwater and catch new sea creatures like sea stars, which can be donated to the museum. To dive, press “Y” on your joy-con controller to submerge your character under the water. You can dive anywhere in the water, but to find an item, look for a shadow and bubbles above the water, and then dive to collect it.
A second summer updating is coming in August of 2020, but Nintendo hasn’t revealed what the update will contain.
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