Instapaper is a free app for iPhone and Android that lets you save articles to read later. You can either save articles as PDFs or EPUBs, or store them on your computer. Instapaper is great for reading articles offline, as well as for keeping an archive of your favorite content. You can also share articles with others by email, Facebook, Twitter, and more. If you’re looking to save web articles to read later, we’ve got some tips for you. Here are four ways to save web articles to read later with Instapaper:

  1. Save the article as a PDF: This is the easiest way to save an article to read later. Just open the app and select the file you want to save, then hit “save.” Instapaper will automatically fill in the rest of the information needed for saving the file (including your name and location).
  2. Save the article as an EPUB: If you’re looking to save an article in a more traditional format (PDF or EPUB), this is the way to go. Just open the app and select “save as,” then hit “submit.” Instapaper will automatically fill in any information needed for saving your file (including your name and location).
  3. Store the article on your computer: If you’re not comfortable sharing files online, this is a good option. Just open up Instapaper and select “save as,” then hit “submit.” Instapaper will automatically fill in any information needed for saving your file (including your name and location).
  4. Share the article with others by email: If you want other people around you to have access to your favorite content while offline, email it out instead of saving it on your computer. just open up instagram or facebook and post it there!


Instapaper is an awesome tool that allows you to save web pages so you can read them at a later time. Not only does it save an online article to read later, but also gives you several choices for where you want to read it.

Sign up for a free account, and drag the “Read Later” bookmarklet to the bookmarks bar in your browser.

To save a page you’ll need to be logged into your account. When you’re at a page that you can’t read right away, just click on the Read Later button in the bookmarks bar.

After clicking the Read Later button, a small message is displayed indicating that the page has been saved to the Instapaper site.

Save as many pages as you want, and when you’re ready to read them, go to the Instapaper site and you’ll see a list of the articles you saved. You can click on the link to go directly to the saved oage, read it as text (leaving out a bunch of images), or archive the article for later.

One of the really appealing beta features is you can save the article in .mobi format for a Kindle, or ePub format for other eReaders such a the Sony Reader.

Another neat feature is the “Instapaper Text” bookmarklet that lets you view an article on a graphics heavy page with only text, but doesn’t save it to your account.



There are also other cool features such as iPhone Apps, Kindle automatic wireless delivery, send items to Google Reader, and more. If you wish you could collect all of the neat articles you run across each day for reading later via multiple formats, Instapaper is a great tool for the job.

Check Out Instapaper